What is APNV?
Văcărești Natural Park Administration is a specially constituted administration structure with legal personality entrusted with the administration of the protected natural area of Văcărești Natural Park – as a public service of local interest of the Municipality of Bucharest. The administration of the protected natural area was taken over by signing the administration contract no. 8001 dated 29.12.2021 with the National Agency for Protected Natural Areas.
How was the Administration set up?
The Văcărești Natural Park Administration was established by the Decision of the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest number 328/ 2021
Which regulations govern the activity?
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE No.57 of 20 June 2007
on the regime of protected natural areas, conservation of natural habitats, wild flora and fauna
Which departments are in the APNV?
Biodiversity Management Department, Monitoring Office, Financial-Accounting, Administrative and Public Relations Office, Legal, Human Resources and Procurement Department
What budget does the institution have?
The 2022 budget can be accessed at
What is the category of protected natural area?
Nature Park – IUCN category V: Protected landscape: protected area managed primarily for landscape conservation and recreation
What is the objective of the protected area?
The aim and management strategy of Văcărești Natural Park is the protection and conservation of a landscape ensemble, habitats and important natural species that have developed in the urban area without any help from man.
How do I get to Văcărești Natural Park?
The park can be accessed from either of the two access points. For details visit the park access page