Little Egret – Egretta garzetta
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Class: Aves
- Order: Pelecaniformes
- Family: Ardeidae
- Genre: Egretta
- Species: Egretta garzetta
Identification characters
The little egret is a medium-sized, slender and elegant lizard with a plumage of immaculate white. Compared to the female, the male is slightly larger. The legs are black, but with yellow toes. The legs are shorter in relation to body length compared to the white egret, and their projection in flight is moderate, and the wings appear centrally inserted. During the breeding season they develop two elegant feathers on the back of their heads, much sought after in the past as ornaments. The beak is black, the lorum is bluish-grey most of the year, and in the courtship period it takes on a reddish tinge. Outside the colonies it is usually silent and only when it takes flight does it emit a hoarse, seed crow-like sound. Birds in colonies make loud, gargling sounds.