Văcărești Natural Park Administration is a public service of local interest, with legal personality, established for the purpose of administering the protected natural area Văcărești Natural Park and aims to manage the protected natural area in accordance with the provisions of environmental legislation in force, as well as developing projects and programs to ensure the ecological balance and sustainable development of the area.

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+40 21.305.55.00

The park

A unique place in the middle of the city

Lake Văcărești is a man-made lake located in the Văcărești district of Bucharest, sector 4, with an area of 189 ha, between Calea Văcărești, Șoseaua Olteniței, Șoseaua Vitan-Bârzești and Splaiul Dâmboviței (between the Vitan car fair and the former Abator bridge).

189 ha

wild place in the middle of the city


year of establishment of the protected area

90+ species

of protected birds

Activities in the park

We organise events for all age groups for educational and recreational purposes


Behind the scenes of Văcărești Natural Park

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